


JAPAN 14 MAY 2017

This morning at about 5:00am I arrived in Tokyo (Haneda) for another awesome Japanese holiday.
おもしろい 休暇 を 取る ために、今朝 5時 ぐらい 東京(Haneda) に 到着した。
Unfortunately I hadn't slept at all on the overnight flight from Sydney.
ざんねん ながら、オーバーナイトの飛行機 で ずっと 眠れませんでした。
From Haneda I took the monorail to Hamamatsucho then the Yamanote train to Ueno Station, from where I walked to my hotel and dropped my luggage off at the reception desk.
東京(Haneda) から 浜松町駅 まで JRモノレール に 乗りました。
それから、山手線 で 上野駅 に 行きました。上野駅 から、歩いて、ホテル に 行きました。 
It was only 7:00am and check-in time was 3:00pm so I had a lot of time on my hands to spaceout.
午前 7時 ぐらい だけ、そして、チェックイン は 午後 3時 でした。 
だから、ながい自由時間 が あったので、神田祭 を 見に行く ことにしました。
I walked back to Ueno Station and caught the train to Akihabara to see Kanda Festival, which is held on every odd numbered year.
ホテルのロビー で スーツケース を 取り残した。 
神田祭 を 見に行く ために、秋葉原 に 行きました。上野 から、秋葉原 は 近い です。
It wasn't so sunny so there were not so big crowds to watch.
ちょっと 曇り だった ので、秋葉原 は こんでいませんでした。
I took photos then walked back to Akihabara Station, where I got on the Yamanote train and sat down.
たくさん 写真 を 取りました。 あとで、 秋葉原駅 で 山手線の電車の席 で 座りました。
I was very tired so I just stayed on the train while it went around. I fell asleep and got back to Akihabara Station at about 11:00am.
寝不足 だった ので、クタクタ だった ので、山手線の電車の席 で 眠りました。
山手線 は サークル を 作って ので、 午前 11時 に 秋葉原駅 に 帰りました。
I walked to favourite maid cafe called Heart of Hearts and had a snack.
秋葉原 で、好きな メイドカフェ に 行きました。スナック を 食べました。
In the afternoon I watched the Kanda Festival at Central Street and took some more photos.
昼に、中央通り で、神田祭 を 見たり、写真 を 取ったり しました。
I checked into hotel at 4:00pm and went to hotel room and fell asleep.
あとで、昼 4時 に、 ホテル で チェックイン を しました。 部屋 で 寝ました。
Later I unpacked and had a bath and then went back to bed.
あとで、 スーツケース を アンパック しました。それから、お風呂 に 入りました。
あとで、ベッド で 寝ました。


JAPAN 15 MAY 2017

This morning I woke up at 5:50am. I was meeting a new friend at Fujisawa Enoden for day trip and did not want to be late. Her name is Shinobu-san and she is a friend of Maiko-sensei.
今朝 5時50分 に おきました。
藤沢江ノ電 で、新しい友達 に 会うつもり でした。
新しい友達 と 観光 を する ために、早く起きていな ければ なりません。
新しい友達のなまえは SHINOBUさん です。(女の子 です)。 
SHINOBUさん は MAIKO先生 の 友達 です。

I left the hotel at about 7:00am and took the Tokaido Line Train to Fujisawa JR. I arrived at Fujisawa JR at about 9:00am. By the way, Fujisawa Enoden is a private train station next to Fujisawa JR.
7時 に ホテル を 出かけました。まず、藤沢に行く電車 に 乗りました。 
9時 ぐらい 藤沢JR に 突きました。藤沢江ノ電は 藤沢JRのとなりのプライベートの駅 です。

I was early so I ate a sandwich and sat down. Then I bought a story-book and a SD card for my camera, because I had left my SD card in my computer at the hotel. 
とても 早くも ので、サンドイッチ を 食べる、そして 座りました。
それから、SDカード を わすった ので、BIC-CAMERA で SDカード を 買いました。

At about 10:30am I walked the short distance to Fujisawa Enoden to meet my new friend. I was nervous because it would be first time we meet.
10時 ごろ、新しい友達 に 会う ために、藤沢江ノ電 に 歩きました。 
知らない人 ので、ちょっと 緊張 でした。

I did not know what Shinobu-san looked like but Maiko-sensei said she is kind and funny and thin.
SHINOBUさんの顔 が しりませんでして。
でも、MAIKO先生は 「SHINOBUさんは とても 親切 な たのしい 人 です」 と 言いました。

I met Shinobu-san at the Station and we took the train to Enoshima Station for day trip. On the way to Enoshima we talked and I was not nervous any more. She was easy to talk to and cute.
藤沢江ノ電 で SHINOBUさん と 会いました。
いっしょ に 観光 を する ために、江ノ電 で 江ノ島 に 行きました。  
とちゅうで、SHINOBUさん と 話しました。SHINOBUさん は 話やすくて かわいい です。 
まもなく 私は 緊張 では ありませんでした。

From Enoshima Station we walked across a bridge to small island. We talked and did window shopping and walked around the island and saw shrines and temples. On the island we also went into some caves and then went into restaurant for lunch. I ate grilled squid.
江ノ島駅 から、私たち は 歩いて、ブリッジ を つかう、小さい 島 に 行きました。
島で いっしょ に 話したり、買い物 を したりステップス を のぼったり、
神社 と お寺 を 見たり しました。そして 島で、おもしろい 洞窟 に 行きました。
洞窟 の 中に こわいな ドラゴン が いました。
あとで、SHINOBUさん と ランチ を 食べました。イカ を 食べました。

In the afternoon I went with Shinobu-san to see her hometown, where I bought a souvenir from Daiso for a work friend. After that I went back to hotel. I was tired but it was fun.
昼 で、SHINOBUさん と SHINOBUさん出身地 を 見に行きました。
どこ で DAISO から、しごとの友達 に おみやげ を 買いました。
あとで、 ホテル に かえりました。 今日 は とても たのしかった。ちょっと つかれった。


JAPAN 16 MAY 2017

Today I planned to meet Shinobu-san at Hase Station at 10:00am for a short day trip to Hase Temple.
今日、長谷寺  を 観光 する ために、10時 に 長谷江ノ電 で、SHINOBUさん と 
会うつもり でした。

About 7:30am I left the hotel to take the Tokaido Line train from Tokyo Station to Fujisawa Station, where I changed trains to the Enoden Line for Hase Station.
藤沢 に 行く 電車 に 乗る ために、午前 7時 ごろ ホテル を 出て、
東京駅 に 行きました。東京駅 で 藤沢 に 行く 東海道本線の電車 に 乗りました。
東京駅 から 藤沢駅 まで、1時間 ぐらい かかります。
藤沢 で 9時半 ごろ、長谷 に 行く 江ノ電 に 乗りました。 

I got on the Enoden train at Fujisawa Station at about 9:30am. There was a film crew on the train making a video with a cute girl (probably idol) and two young cool looking guys (probably boy idols).  
電車 で 私の席の隣に ビデオクルーは アイドルたち と ビデオ を 作った いました。 
アイドルたちは わかくて かわいい 女の子 と わかくて カッコイ 二人の男の人 でした。

What I didn't know at the time was that Shinobu-san was on the train as well, but I didn't see her. Anyway, we both got off the train at Hase Station and walked the short distance to Hase Temple. It was a warmish day but not very sunny (by the way yesterday I forgot to mention it rained for a bit).
長谷駅 で SHINOBUさん に 会いました。 私たち は 少し歩いて 長谷寺 に 行きました。
その時 お天気は あたたかい ですが、曇り でした。

At Hase Temple we went into special room to copy some Kanji sutra. It was interesting but I am very bad at Kanji strokes (maybe because I am left-handed).
長谷寺 で、 私たちは とくべつな部屋 に 入りました。そこで、漢字 を 書きました。
おもしろ かったです。 でも、私は 左利きの人 だった ので、漢字 を 書く が とくくない。

After that we sat down on a bench next to the temple and talked and I ate a delicious rice-ball that Shinobu-san made. From there we went to see Great Buddha statue.
あとで、いっしょに お寺のそばの席 で 座りました。
席で、SHINOBUさんの作ったのおいしいおにぎり を 食べた。
そして SHINOBUさん と 話しました。それから、ゆうめいな大仏 を 見に行きました。
今日は とても おもしろかった。 ありがとう SHINOBUさん!!


JAPAN 17 MAY 2017 

Today I woke up late. I stayed in the hotel until early evening writing my blog. In the evening I went to Heart of Hearts until about 10:00pm then went back to the hotel to sleep.
JAPAN 18 MAY 2017

This morning I took the train to Nakano to investigate where SunPlaza was. It is actually next to Nakano Station so it was easy to find. I didn't stay long in Nakano because I only wanted to check out where SunPlaza was as I am going there on Sunday to see i☆Ris.
今朝、SunPlaza   見つけたい ので、NAKANO に だけ 行きました。
さいわい ながら、SunPlaza は NAKANO駅のとなりに でした。 
日曜日 夜 に、SunPlaza で、アイドルのコンサート を 見に行きます。
NAKANO に 少しだけ 行きました。  

I was going to go to Shinjuku Park today but because it was cloudy I changed my plans. I decided to go to Akihabara instead. 
新宿御苑 に 行きたかった。でも、曇り ので、行きませんでした。 
秋葉原 に 行く ことに しました。

I walked around Akihabara for a while. I saw a girl wearing a 'onesie' and holding an owl. She was promoting an owl-cafe. Against my better judgement (not PC etc) I thought I might investigate the cafe so I went there.
秋葉原 で 散歩 を しました。  
フクロウ を もって いる ONESIE を 着る 女の子 を 見ました。 かわいそうな フクロウ
その 女の子 は アゥルの森 を PROMOTING しました。 ちょっと PC じゃない。 
それでも、アゥルの森 を しらべりました。
The owl-cafe was on the 5th floor of a building not far from Don-Quixote variety shop. It cost 890 yen to go into the cafe. To my disappointment the owl-cafe was not in fact a bona-fide cafe at all. It was a room containing various owls, fish tanks, fake shrubbery, bemused customers, an antediluvian chicken and a vending-machine (free coffee included with entry fee).

アゥルの森は Don-Quixoteのちかい店 でした。アゥルの森のはらいてのねだんは 890円です。
でも、アゥルの森は カフェー ちがいます。 アゥルの森は の 中に、 たくさん フクロウ と 
ふるい にわ鳥 と FISHTANK  で およいで いる 魚 と 人間きゃくさまたち が いました。
アゥルの森で 食べられません でも、自動販売機 で 飲み物 を 買えました。
There were very many owls. Some were wandering around while others were chained up. Some of the chained up owls had signs next to them saying "do not touch". Girls were taking selfies with the owls.

I patted some of the owls (very soft feathers). Some of them gave me as friendly peck. One owl relieved itself on the floor and someone trod in it. It was too dark to take good photos but I tried (see below). I sat down next to the chicken and drank my free coffee. The owls appeared to be generally uninterested and I was slightly concerned they may have been given medicine to make them 'user-friendly'. But maybe owls are docile by nature? I stayed for about 45 minutes then left. After that I walked around then went back to the hotel and slept. Poor owls!


JAPAN 19 MAY 2017

Because it was a nice sunny day, I bought bento lunch from Ueno Station shop and took the metro to Shinjuku Park.


JAPAN 20 MAY 2017

Today I went to Koishikawa Korakuen Gardens in IIdabashi (Tokyo). The gardens are right next to Tokyo Dome but are not that easy to find because they are tucked away behind buildings. It was very quiet. I took some photos but there was too much green to give a contrast of tone and colour. I did see a lizard, however.

In the evening I took the train to Yokohama to meet Shinobu-san for dinner at China Town restaurant.
今夜、 SHINOBUさん と 中国の料理 を 食べる ために、 電車で 横浜 に 行きました。

We had a delicious set meal in King of Yamcha Chinese restaurant then talked and went for a walk to Minato Minami.
いっしょに 中国タウンのKing of Yamchaのレストランで おいしい  定食 を 食べました。
あと、いっしょに 話したり、歩いて Minato Minami に 行ったり しました。  

After that I caught the train back to the hotel. My feet were tired from walking but I had fun going to the park and having dinner with Shinobu-san.
それから、私は 上野 に 行く 電車 に のった、ホテル に かえりました。
SHINOBUさん と たのしかった。


JAPAN 21 MAY 2017

Today I woke up at about 10:30am. The weather was very sunny and it was hot. I went to Akihabara hoping there would be the usual Sunday flea-market but unfortunately there wasn't any flea-market. I was also going to buy a magic waving stick from Don Quixote to take to the concert tonight but I forgot. 

I picked the first maid I saw and walked with her to the maid cafe. I talked with her on the way to the maid cafe. Her name was Miharu and she was very interesting (and cute). She told me she was a psychology graduate studying for a master's degree and was working part time in a maid cafe. I asked her if she was studying the psychology of maid cafe customers as part of her post graduate study but she said no. 

The cafe she took me to was called ALBUS and was tucked away in a back street. The cafe was very quiet. Actually, it was not a normal cafe but a cross between a maid cafe and a hostess bar. The only food was omu-rice which the maid makes at the bar while you watch. You can buy drinks for the maids at 1000 yen a time, and the maids will sing karaoke for you (for a small fee). Miharu-san showed me photos of her university graduation on her iphone. When she gets her master's degree she wants to be a child psychologist. She also said she had spent 2 weeks in England studying English. I asked her what she ate in England and she said "fish and chips". 

I stayed in the maid cafe for about an hour talking with Miharu-san, then thought it best to leave before I spent too much money. I would only go back to the cafe if Miharu-san was working there, as she is an interesting case study (and cute). 

In the evening I caught the train from Ueno to Nakano to see i☆Ris idol concert at SunPlaza. It wasn't necessary to arrive early as all seats were reserved. When the girls came on stage everyone stood up so seats were surplus to requirements. Fortunately I had a reasonably good view of the girls.

i☆Ris have their own unique style which is very lyrical and nostalgic. Unfortunately I am not so familiar with their songs so I didn't know when to "we are iris" chant or do hand signals at the appropriate time. Still, it was fun. I have uploaded some photos of the concert from media sites. You can probably buy the DVD very soon.


 今日、観光 を する ために、 今朝、 柴又駅 で SHINOBUさん に 会いました。

いしょうに、柴又 を 見に行きました。 柴又は 東京のとなりに伝統的な小さい町 です。

いしょうに 柴又 で、 話したり、散歩 を したり、買い物 を したり、写真 を 取ったり、
お寺 を 見に行ったり しました。 

そして、 いっしょに 川の観光の小さい船 に のりました。おもしろかった。

その時、お天気  は ちょっと あつかったです。

でも、涼しい風 から きもち が 良かったです。

そして、柴又 で SHINOBUさん と、おいしいお好み焼きのレストラン に 行きました。 

その お好み焼き は とても おいしかった。

ランチ の あとで、 いっしょに ゆめいなACTORのおもしろいはくぶつかん に 行きました。 

ありがとう SHINOBUさん!


JAPAN 23 MAY 2017

This morning I went to Rikugien Park next to Komagome Station, which is 5 stops going anticlockwise from Ueno Station on the Yamanote Line. It was nice but not so exciting. It is only late afternoon so I may do something else today.


JAPAN 24 MAY 2017

Today I overslept and woke up at about 4:00pm. I dyed my beard and took a bath and at about 6:30pm took the train to Akihabara. I walked to favourite maid cafe for tea (Japanese omelet and fried chicken). It is from the maid cafe that I am writing this blog. After this I will probably go back to my hotel to sleep as I want to get up early tomorrow to take a trip somewhere (I haven't decided where I want to go yet but probably Enoshima).

 今日のお天気は あたたかい ですが、曇り でした。 

そして、雨が ぽつぽつ でした。

朝11時ごろ、 地下鉄 で 九段下 に 行きました。 

そこから 少し歩いて 皇居東御苑 を 見に行きました。  

いた 間 に、写真 を 少数 (Shōsū)  取りました。

あとで、Heart of Hearts で ランチ を 食べました。



JAPAN 26 MAY 2017

This morning I woke up to rain (not heavy). I went to the ninja-girl cafe in Akihabara. When two customers left I was the only customer remaining. One of the ninja-girls called Kaguya wanted to talk with me but I said no, I was not in a talkative mood. I left the cafe and went back to the hotel feeling depressed.

There is a full size black crucifix in my room which is very ominous. I am sure it is affecting my mood.

Anyway, here are a few snaps of Akihabara and someone about to eat a gigantic omu-rice.


JAPAN 27 MAY 2017

Today is Saturday. Because I slept badly last night I spent most of the day in bed trying to catch up on sleep.  I went out at about 8:00pm to cheer up at Heart of Hearts. Kokoa sang Valentine Day Kiss - actually she just danced to PA and 'Mayuyu' sang (AKB48). I am writing this blog from Heart of Hearts and will probably catch train back to hotel when the cafe closes. No photos today.
JAPAN 28 MAY 2017

Today I took a 2 hour train ride to Okutama and then the bus to Okutama dam. It was peaceful but not that overwhelming.


JAPAN 29 MAY 2017

今朝 地下鉄 で 浅草 に いきました。

浅草 で さんぽ を 少し しました。 

あとで、 お台場 に 行く 船 に のる こと に しました。 

でも、15分 まえ に お台場 に 行く 船 は お台場 に 行きました。 

ざんねん ながら、 つぎ の お台場 に 行く 船 は 2時間 まで。 

だから、つぎ の お台場 に 行く 船 を 待ちませんでした。

その かわり に、電車 で YOYOGI 公園 に 行きました。


JAPAN 30 MAY 2017

This morning I woke up early at about 5:00am for the purpose of visiting Ashinoko. First, I left the hotel at about 6:00am and caught the JR train from Ueno to Odawara, which took about 2 hours. From Odawara I took the Hakonetozan train to Hakone Yumoto and then the zig-zag train to Gora.

I probably arrived at Gora at about 10:00am. At Gora I caught the cable-car then the rope-way to the top of a small mountain where I took photos of Mt Fuji and volcanic steam vents. The rope-way didn't go any further as it was closed for repairs (it usually goes down the other side of the mountain to Lake Ashinoko). I ate some snacks which were a piece of processed squid on a stick and three small roast potatoes on a stick which had been covered with tempura and deep fried. Delicious! After that I caught the substitute bus to the lake but I decided not to go on the lake cruise. By the way, when you buy a rope-way ticket they gave you a damp towel to cover your face to protect from poisonous volcanic gasses.

I did a reverse of the previous and arrived back at Tokyo at about 3:15pm. I was very tired and bought some food at Family Mart and went back to the hotel to sleep.


JAPAN 31 MAY 2017

Today I went to Heart of Hearts maid-cafe in Akihabara. Chappie was celebrating her birthday (she is a cute maid that works at Heart of Hearts). Chappie is probably in her early twenties but she is celebrating her tenth birthday? I gave Chappie a 50c coin with the Queen on one side and Prince Charles and Princess Diana on the reverse, as a small present. She knew who Princess Diana was. I wondered whether Japanese people might wonder why the Queen is on an Australian coin? I ate Korean shredded beef with kimchi and rice, and miso soup. Delicious! I bought a few bromides of Chappie and paid 500円 to hear the maids lip sync to スカートひらり (AKB48 song). The other maids working in the cafe at the time were Mochi, Akira, Azu-Nyan, Mana and Usagi.

After that I dropped into ぼくと ネコ cat cafe (actually it is just a cute room with cute cats and cat-girls and a vending-machine for drinks). I took some photos but I had the wrong setting on my camera so most of the photos did not turn out so well. Maybe I will go back tomorrow? After that I looked for the ninja-girls but couldn't find them so I went back to the hotel to take a bath.

In the evening I went back to Heart of Hearts. It was very busy. There were many not too young fan-boys in the cafe wearing special yellow Chappie T-shirts who were celebrating Chappie's birthday with glow-sticks and party-poppers (they were handing round free glow-sticks and party-poppers).

Most of the maids sang or danced on stage at the same time (seven). The maids at the cafe were Chappie, Akira, Mana, Maa, Kokoa, Azu-Nyan and Mochi. They were very lively and cute. Mana-chan is very small. It was a lot of fun but too much excitement for me.


JAPAN 01 JUNE 2017

Last night it rained heavily and it has rained on and off today. I went to Akihabara for some fun experience. First I went to the cat cafe and took some cute photos. The siamese cat was fighting with all the other cats and the hostess had to separate them. Then I went to Heart of Hearts and ate Korean beef with kimchi and rice, and miso soup. After that I went to the owl cafe to look at the sad owls, and was bitten by the grumpy old chicken. After that I went to Sinobazu ninja-girl cafe, where I talked with Kaguya and Oto (ninja-girls). It wasn't that easy to chat as the girls had ninja-masks on and you could not see their faces, and outside the cafe there was noisy construction work. Kaguya tried to to get me to play ninja-darts with her (you throw real ninja-stars at a dart board). It all seemed very confusing and you had to sign a disclaimer against injury so I declined her offer. When you buy a drink the girls strike a piece of metal against a piece of flint to create sparks, then chant "nin, nin, nin".   


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