


今日、 アデレード から ひこうき で 日本 に 生きました。 

こうくうがいしゃ は シンガポールエルライヌ でした。

シンガポールエルライヌ の 女の子 は せが高くて ほそくて きれい でした。 

ひこうき の とぶ の 間 に、 おもしろい 日本の映画 を 見ました。

映画 の 物語り の ついて は シスターの物語り でした。

にほんに行く とちゅう で、 CHANGIくうこう に 行きました。 おもしろかったです。

ざんねん、 CHANGIくうこう  の 行く の 間 に、 
おいしくない 中国の料理 を 食べました。

あとで、 ロボットの機械から 足のマッサージ を もらいました。 

CHANGIくうこうで、 7時間 いました。 夜 、日本のいくのひこうき に 乗りました。

今朝、 東京HANEDA に つきました。 HANEDA は とても べんりなくうこう です。

 から HAMAMATSUCHO駅 まで モノレール に のりました。

駅 で モノレール を おりました。 

駅 で YAMANOTE線の電車 に 乗りました。

駅 で 電車 を おりました。 それから、 あるいて、 ホテル に 行きました。

ホテル の 名前 は CENTURION  です。 ざんねん、 はやくまだ (午前8時)。

ホテルのおへや を まだ つかって いませんでした。 

だから、 ホテルの女の子に スーツケーシ を あげました。

 から、 あるいて、 秋葉原 に 行きました。 

でも、 MACCASのほかに、SHOPSは ほとんど かいてんではありませんでした。

時間がある、だから、YAMANOTE線の電車 に のりました。 

でも、 どこも に 行きませんでした、 のった だけ。 

あとで、秋葉原 で さんぽ を しました。 しゃしん を 取りました。 

ざんねん、 カメラのSDカード を ACCIDENTALLY FORMAT を しました。 

だから、PHOTOたち は なくしました。 ごめんなさい。

昼のあとで、  ホテルで、 CHECK-IN を しました。

まず、 LAWSONで、 G.E.M.のチケット を はらいました。 すごい。

あとで、 へやの風呂 に はいりました。 すごい。

夜、 あるいて、 秋葉原 に 行きました。

MAIDREAMIN で キュウリ  を たこ も 食べました。

ざんねん、 とんだら、 KUTA-KUTA でした。

一晩中 を 明日12時 (NOON)
 まで ねむりました。 

Today was a short day. I woke up at 12:00pm. The only reason I woke up at this time and not later was because I was awoken by reception phoning to ask if I needed room cleaning. I spent the rest of the afternoon in my hotel room writing blogs for the previous days' adventures. Now, the maid cafe I usually frequent has a new customer system. Last year customers were issued a membership card with a bar code. Now they have an 'app' (Japanese アプリ) which you download onto your iphone or ipad and the maid reads the box thingy with black and white marks inside on your 'app' and you are given a variable number of points depending on which magic picture you tap on the maid's device. I downloaded the 'app' yesterday but needed to go into the cafe today to ask a maid to help me log-in as the email they sent to me with instructions was written mostly in kanji and I could not understand it. Unfortunately I ate too much cucumber and octopus in the maid cafe (3 servings of cucumber and 2 servings of octopus) and got a tummy ache so I walked back to the hotel and was asleep in bed by 10:00pm.
I have not done anything interesting yet. Yesterday and the day before it was overcast and a bit rainy and today it is completely raining. For some reason it is warmer at night than in the day time? Oh, there was an earth tremor yesterday for about 12 seconds that was strong enough to make buildings sway and set off car alarms.  The hotel lobby has yellow budgies. No they are not flying loose but in a cage. I might go and see a movie today or look at fish. Sorry but no photos yet as I have not done any proper sightseeing.    
Hello. Today I changed hotels. I moved from Okachimachi hotel to hotel near to Ueno Eki. Because I had to wait to use the room in new hotel I went to Kichijoji to check out where Seata Club was. I also went for walk in Inokashira Park. There have been no more earth tremors. I am so glad I brought a pillow with me as the hotel pillow was very hard and thick. I also brought coffee bags, green tea bags, a teaspoon, four coat hangers and a large cup. I am worried that the noise from the traffic in the hotel I just moved to will keep me awake at night. Tomorrow I will go and see Prizmmy in Kichijoji. The day after that I will go and see QSCS live performance in Akihabara. Oh, I had better go and buy a majikaru waving stick from Don Quixote. Oh yes, yesterday afternoon I went to suki na maidcafe and I was the only customer other than fake customer (who was really the chef from the kitchen - boy not girl). The sensei maids were training 2 new maids and the chef was the guineapig. It was so kawaii. The sensei maid (Miharu) was getting the new maids to practice saying "Yokoso master and princess, welcome to maidreamin" etc etc. Then they practiced doing moe moe omajinai. One trainee maid was called Mashu and the other trainee maid was called Mimi. I asked Mimi-chan if she was chu-gakko-sei and she said no she was actually university student working part-time. I told her that all maids usually say they are 16 years old. The other trainee maid was a bit nervous but very cute.  
This afternoon I went to see Japanese idol group live event at Club Seata in Kichijoji (suburb of Tokyo). The idol group was Prizmmy, who are four girls called Reina, Karin, Mia and Hina. My sensei gave me a free ticket to see Prizmmy live event, which she got online via Prizmmy homepage. The live event was a launch party for new Prizmmy song called Over Clock MeTo get to Kichijoji I took the Yamanote line train from Ueno Station to Kanda Station and then took the Chuo line train to Kichijoji. The live event was from 5:00pm but entry to Club Seata started at 4:15pm. Club Seata is basement nightclub close to Kichijoji Station and is easy to find. I arrived at Club Seata at 4:15pm. Entry was in ticket number order, one person at a time, A001, A002, A003 etc. After A100 the ticket sequence seemed to jump by about 10 each time so even though I had ticket A210 there were not 209 people before me. The fans going in to see Prizmmy were equally male and female, including mothers with small children, otaku, otome, teenage girls etc. I entered Club Seata at about 4:40pm. Club Seata is a bar with a dance room and small stage. It is very small. It is probably mainly used by dance-mix DJ's. I would guess there were not more than 180 people inside. The show started at about 5:05pm. Everyone was close to the stage and could see idols easily, including me. Prizmmy danced and sang live to pre-recorded music. They sang all their popular songs such as EZ Do Dance, Jumpin! Dancin! and My Transform etc. Everyone waved magical sticks. As a special bonus another idol group also appeared, called Prism-Mates. Prism-Mates is the 'sister group' of Prizmmy. Prism-Mates are younger girls who are associated with TV anime series such as Pretty Rhythm and are also a 'filter group' for replacing members of other idol groups who have 'graduated'. They are very chiisai. Near the end of the show Prizmmy sang their new song and everyone was allowed to take video or photo. I took some photos but my camera is not good so they are blurry. Sometimes the idols were so close you could almost reach out and touch them. I had a good time and am very grateful to my sensei for getting ticket. Thank you sensei! NOTE: I have downloaded video of Club Seata live event that a fan has just posted on you tube. Here is link: 
Today I went to see QSCS live performance at Heaven's Gate in Akihabara. QSCS are a maid idol group who perform in Akihabara. They sing their own original songs. QSCS members are Miharu, Peace, Pudding and Ayame. They are very cute.  My favourite member is Miharu. She is the only original member of QSCS. Heaven's Gate is a maid cafe that has recently been converted to live event stage cafe (in the last few day's only). The show started at 6:00pm. There was also a special guest idol group performing. They are called Kamen Joshi (Steam Girl).  Steam Girl are an Akihabara idol group who all wear Jason hockey masks. They were AWESOME!! I want to see their stage show. I have a cheki of Pudding-chan.
Today I went to Harajuku, Shin-Okubo and Ikebukuro. First I caught the train from Ueno Station to Harajuku Station. From Harajuku Station I walked to Takeshita Dori where I bought some kakkoi shoes for 9,600. After that I caught the train to Shin-Okubo and walked around for about half an hour. After that I went by train to Ikebukuro. I walked from Ikebukuro Station to Tokyu Hands as I had promised Minoko-chan I would buy her a miniature camera. They don't sell miniature cameras in Tokyu Hands any more (they used to at one time). Tokyu Hands is an omoshiroi department store but it is not quite as omoshiroi as it used to be. After that I went to maid-cafe and ate squid. I also had a piece of cake and the kitchen maid drew a picture of Suigintou on a the plate at my request. Suigintou is a character from anime Rozen Maiden (dark angel doll and enemy of heroine doll Shinku). I also had a cappuccino and asked maid to draw Jason hockey mask on top. I have also posted photos of my hotel interior. The second and third photos are looking straight down into the bottom of the hotel from the middle. At night it is very creepy. At least you can see Skytree from the hotel window. Oh, by the way, there was a small earth tremor a few nights ago that lasted for about 5 seconds. This evening I went to see Hotaru-sensei at maid-cafe next to Akihabara Station. For some reason I ordered yamazaki which was too strong for me to drink (it sounded cute on the menu), so I had to surreptitiously dilute it with kashisu-orenji. I know I will wake up with headache. 
今日、 江ノ島 に 行きました。 ざんねん、ずつ が した ので、 一 時間半 に 止まりました。
ホテル に 帰る 途中で、 鎌倉 に 行きました。 鎌倉 で、 くすり店 に よりました。 ASPIRIN を 買いました。     高い 1250円。  そして、 鳥COOKIES を 買いました。
ずつ が した ので、 今夜、 ホテル に 止まりました。
Today was the first proper sunny day with blue sky so far during my holiday. I went to Mt Takao and took these photos of Mt Fuji from the summit.

Wednesday June 8 2016

Today I wanted to go to the park and lie down on the grass and fall sleep, but it was raining. 
I really want to go and lie down in the park, but even if it is sunny tomorrow the grass will be damp? It is warm but never sunny. I must be turning into a vampire because I only seem to sleep during the day and I can only go into somewhere if I am invited in. Also, I don't like to look in the mirror and I like rats and bats and creepy animals and my eyes are bloodshot (from lack of sleep). Actually, there is a real-life vampire bar in  Akihabara so I might hang around outside and hope to be invited in by a cute vampire girl. Apparently they serve real absinthe (poison). I brought a new camera with me to take pictures but it takes very bad washed-out pictures. The light parts are overexposed and the dark parts are underexposed, and the pictures are not properly focused. I have deleted most of them out of disgust. I have now set the camera to deliberately underexpose by 1 stop. It is now 3:55am in the morning. I have just downloaded an app for my iPad so I can create an offline photo album for transferring photos from my laptop without using iTunes (which is not installed on the laptop I am using).  On Saturday I will go and see awesome G.E.M. (Girls Entertainment Mixture) at Blaze in Shinjuku. They seem to be doing a lot of road digging in Ueno and Akihabara at the moment. It might have something to do with sewage as it smells bad in the streets.

Saturday June 11 2016

I went to see G.E.M. live performance at Blaze in Shinjuku. They are a 10 girl idol group aged 17 to 21 years. Each girl is associated with a particular gemstone. I was near the front and could see most of the girls most of the time. They were quite close. I concentrated on looking at my favourite member Rana-chin, who is very beautiful. She made eye contact with me.....kyun kyun! Rana-chin's gemstone is emerald. They were all very cute and sang well. However, there was too much 'dead time' with the members talking and crying and playing quiz and jankenpon and more crying etc. They did sing their popular songs except for my favourite song No Girls, No Fun. I will look for video of event on YouTube and post a link. Today I went to Asakusa. The famous gate was completely covered in canvas. It was Sunday so too many people. I am now writing this blog in maidcafe while I wait for hotel room to be available (I have had to move hotels for two days due to heavy booking). If I do anything else I will blog it.

2016 11月 8日


今朝 日本 に 行きます。

昨日の晩 母の うち に 寝ました。

今朝 6:00AMに 起きました。

6:50AM に 母の車で アデレードの空港 に 行きました。 45分 ぐらい かかりました。

エアーマレーシアの飛行機に アデレードの空港で 二時間 待ちました。 

まず、アデレード から マレーシアKLの空港 に 飛びました。 七時間 ぐらい かかりました。

マレーシアKLの空港で 九時間 に いました。  つまらなかった です。

11:30PMに  マレーシアKLの空港 から NARITAの空港 に 一晩中 飛びました。

飛んで いた 間に、4時間 眠りました。 


7:30AMに 東京NARITA空港 に 着いました。 
空港 か スカイライナーで 「電車」 上野駅 に 行きました。
上野駅 から 歩いて ホテル に 行きました。 七分 ぐらい かかりました。
秋葉原で 昼間中 散歩 を しました。 夜に 寝ました。 くたくた でした。


眠かった ので、 3:00PM まで 寝ました。 
あと、となりのコンビニ に 行きました。 スナック を かいました。 おいしかった です!
ホテル で テレビ を 見ました。 あと、 寝て いました。


Today I woke up at 5:50am as I was planning to take a trip to Mt Mitake to see some nice scenery and shrines etc. Mt Mitake is about 2 hours by train from Tokyo. Well, unfortunately it was raining very heavily outside. Even when the dawn broke it was very bleak with dark clouds. Therefore I gave up on that idea. I will plan to go to Mt Mitake on Monday and avoid the weekend crowds. The rain eased off to a drizzle by lunch time so I walked to Akihabara via interesting long thin road in  Ueno that has lots of small shops. I wanted to buy some weird shoes that I saw last time in Ueno but unfortunately I could not find the shop. Anyway, I went to maid cafe in Akihabara and ate squid and an omelet with cheese and chicken and bean sprouts inside. Sounds weird but it was yummy. Maids names were fun and silly - Bunny, Sheep, Clear, Yukimi, Minazuki and Ikura. Most of the maids were small but Minazuki was very tall and a bit self conscious. It was very cold and a bit windy outside. In the evening I went back to hotel early as my back was still a bit sore from sitting in the airplane for so long. My back is generally very hard and tight unfortunately. But my knees are OK.


Today I woke up late as I slept badly. I will have to go to shops to buy thin pillow (I forgot to bring my usual thin pillow with me on this trip). Also, I forgot to close the window last night and it was noisy. There is running on the stairs. Anyway, it is sort of sunny today and not cold. I did not go anywhere awesome as I thought it would be too busy being Saturday. I forgot I could have gone to Shinjuku Park or Koishikawa Park so I will go to those places tomorrow if it is OK weather. I am writing the English blogs in maid cafe on my iPad - hence the disjointed and not so expressive vocabulary.

2016 13 November

Today I woke up at 10:30am and had a bath. Then I caught the metro (underground) from Ueno to Shinjukugyoemmae and walked the short distance to Shinjuku Gyoen (park). By the way I got dressed first and dropped by Lawson for yummy bento. It was very warm in the park and I wore a T-shirt and fell asleep on the grass after eating bento. Then I walked around the park and took pictures of momiji etc. It was busy in the park but not too crowded with lots of families and romantic couples and cute children playing games and tourists taking photos. It was very nice. In the afternoon I took JR train to Shibuya (yuk!) and walked to maid cafe to see cute Hinata-chan (she is like a cute pixie with cute squeaky voice). She is very chiichai. I was not that hungry so I only ate squid, octopus, tomato salad and cute animal parfait (strawberry bunny). Here are some photos of Shinjuku Park.

2016 11月 14日

今日 御岳山 に 行きたかった です。 ざんねん おそく おきました。

だから、 長谷 に 行きました。 お天気 は 曇り でした。 ようる で ぽつぽつ でした。

そして、鎌倉 に 行きました。  写真 を 見て ください。

2016 11月 15日

今日 御岳山 に 行きました。 御岳山 に 行く と中で、電車 に 6回 乗りました。


御嶽駅 から 御岳山 まで、バス に 乗ったり、ケーブルカー に 乗ったり しました。

御岳山のNATURE-TRAIL は たいへん でした。  写真 を 取りながら、 
御岳山 に 上りました。 お天気は とても 暖かかった です。

2016 16 November

Today I went to Inokashira Park. The sky was a bit dull so it wasn't as awesome as usual. I took some photos.


2016 11月 17日

今日 御岳山 に 行きたかったです。 ざんねん まえの晩 から 今朝 まで あまり 
ねむれませんでした。だから おそく おきました。 それでも、いい お天気 あった ので、 
江ノ島 に いきました。 写真 を 見て くだしあ。ところで HORSEーMACKEREL は 
骨 すぎった ので、 食べられませんでした。


2016 18 November

Today it was sunny but cold. I made the short trip to Tokyo Dome to see Japanese Garden but I couldn't find it even though it was next to Tokyo Dome.Tomorrow I have to leave my hotel for one night as it is full. I booked a capsule room in Ueno near to my hotel so I went to check out where it was. It was in very yucky part of Ueno with seedy bars and pachinko. Even at 2:30pm in afternoon a man tried to entice me into girly bar. I did not want to stay at this capsule hotel. I decided therefore to go online and look for vacancy in any respectable nearby hotel that was not too expensive. I was lucky to find a vacancy at Tokyo Ueno Hotel (which I have stayed at before) so I booked a room for one night.Last night I sneaked into linen area on 4th floor of my hotel to see if I could find a thinner pillow.

2016 19 November

Today I changed hotels for one day. I left my luggage in my usual hotel as I did not want to drag it to my one day only hotel. I had hoped to try and find beautiful Japanese Garden in Suidobashi but it was raining so I walked around Akihabara for a few hours with umbrella until my one day hotel room was ready to be occupied.Then I slept in hotel in afternoon till early evening. I walked to Akihabara to find maid cafe called Heart of Hearts which has awesome miso soup the best I have tasted but it is hard to find backstreet cafe and I could not find it. I therefore went to usual cafe to eat yaki-soba but it was a bit greasy. I drank ume-shu with rock (ice). I was glad the cafe was not busy as I did not want to have any excitement. By the way there was a mini earthquake the other night. The hotel room swayed for about 4 seconds. Tomorrow is Sunday and I have to move back to my usual hotel till I fly back home. I therefore won't be able to go on trip tomorrow but hopefully the weather will be nice. I hope to go to Five Lakes on Monday to see Mt Fuji.

2016 20 November

Today I changed hotels back to my usual hotel. Fortunately they had the room ready for me at 11:00am so I quickly unpacked my suitcase and had a bath, got dressed and then took the train to Suidobashi to look for Koishikawa Korakuen (Japanese Garden) which I eventually found. It was busy and I took some nice photos. I then went to the flea-market in Akihabara and bought a Super Sonico character figure. In the late afternoon I went back to my hotel to sleep and write my blog. I didn't go out after that as I wanted to wake up early to go to Five Lakes by train tomorrow.


2016 21 November

Today I woke up early as I wanted to go to Lake Kawaguchiko. The weather was not so good however, so I decided to go to Okutama instead. I was lucky enough to get the Ōme train at Kanda, which saved time with connections. From Ōme I caught the Okutama line to Okutama. I arrived at Okutama at 10:05am. I walked around for about an hour or so and took photos, then I caught the bus to Lake Okutama and took some more pictures. It looked cold but it wasn't too bad until late afternoon when it turned very grey and started to drizzle. Here are some photos.


2016 22 November

Last night and this morning there were four earth tremors. The last one at 6:00am was a bit large but only lasted about 10 seconds. Later I heard from the news that it was a shock wave from an earthquake off Fukushima. I did not sleep too well. Today I hung around Ueno and went to the park and zoo. Here are some not too interesting photos.

2016 23 November

Today I woke up very early as I wanted to go to Five Lakes to see Mt Fuji. However, on the train they had a video screen which showed that the temperature was only going to be 9c and rainy so I decided to go to Mt Takao instead as it was nearer with more to see if there is bad weather. When I got to Takaosanguchi Station a lot of people got off and I walked to the cable-car and chair-lift stations and thousands of people were queuing to go up to the mountain, with a waiting time I would guess of at least one hour. I therefore took the next train back towards Tokyo. On the way I decided to stop off at Okutama to see the limestone caves. However, when I got of the train at Okutama it was raining and cold and damp. Therefore I went back to my hotel to sleep and warm up. I had spent about seven hours on train rides and spent about 3,500 yen in train fares. In the evening I went to see Future Hearts live performance at maid cafe. I took a few photos only.


2016 24 November

Today I woke up at 11:30am. I looked out of the hotel room window and it was beginning to snow, cool! I decided to go to Rikugien Park next to Komagome Station a few stops away on the Yamanote Line. I had to wear my heavy coat and a scarf and a sweat top underneath as it was very cold. When I got to the park at about 1:00pm it began to snow heavily with proper snow not just sleet. It was hard to hold an umbrella with one hand and take photos with the other. I often had to clean the lens. It was very grey so a lot of the photos were not so good. I have posted the better ones below. I then went to maid cafe to drink hot tea then went to hotel to take hot bath. It is still only 7:30pm so if I go out I will write some more later.

2016 25 November

Today was sunny and not so cold. I went to Tokyo Tower and was lucky enough to see Mt Fuji from the observation deck. I have caught a slight cold from either someone on the train or in the snow from yesterday.    


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